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What can I do to help others?

What can I do to help others?

Since becoming a mom my awareness of those in need has become heightened. In fact, the other morning we were sitting as a family eating breakfast - a big breakfast with all the fixings. I looked at my daughter and was overwhelmed by the fact that there are many kids her age within our own city that will have went without a breakfast nevermind having all the options in front of them like my daughter did. I have so much to be thankful for. This experience put me in the frame of thinking of "what can I do to help others," especially over the holiday season...
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Online Christmas Shopping

Online Christmas Shopping

Christmas is only six weeks away, which means the malls are only going to get busier by the day. Luckily for you, a few of us in the office have put together a list of our favourite online shopping sites to make things a little more stress free this holiday season. Both Beyond the Rack and Haute Look are moderately priced and have items for pretty much everyone, including home decor and kitchen items. But watch out, some items cannot be shipped to Canada, this can be for a number of different reasons - freight costs being a huge one...
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Interest Rates on the Rise?

Interest Rates on the Rise?

Interest Rates on the Rise?Troy Champ, Jencor Mortgage, Fixed mortgage rates are on the rise! We have moved from a low 2.74% to 3.29%, an increase of 0.25% in just two weeks. So what does this mean for homebuyers? For every 0.25% increase to mortgage rates, purchasers qualify for approximately $10,000 less on their purchasing price (assuming a purchase price of approximately $300,000.) What this also means is that for a 0.25% increase on a $300,000 purchase price, the homebuyer will pay $736 more in interest each year for the same mortgage...
Ryan Scott Honoured in The 2012 Calgary Awards

Ryan Scott Honoured in The 2012 Calgary Awards

Ryan Scott, President and CEO of Avalon Master Builder, was honoured with an Individual Environmental Achievement Award as part of the 2012 Calgary Awards. During the event, held on Wednesday, June 12, Mayor Nenshi and a Member of City Council recognized 16 deserving individuals, corporations, community groups, schools and organizations. The environmental Achievement Awards recognizes environmental achievements in advanced technology, management, conservation, protection, enhancement, education, stewardship and promotion of the city's environment...
Spring Maintenance Tips For Your Home

Spring Maintenance Tips For Your Home

Many people associate spring of their home with spring cleaning. Now don't get me wrong, a deep cleaning of potential problem areas is definitely part of maintenance. These areas would include anything exposed to water and food, under and around the kitchen sink and cabinets, the area behind your toilet, and that little hole at the front of your bathroom sink. However, there are lots of other items to maintain in order to keep your home and your family healthy. Here are a few things that need to be done around your home...

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