Since becoming a mom my awareness of those in need has become heightened. In fact, the other morning we were sitting as a family eating breakfast - a big breakfast with all the fixings. I looked at my daughter and was overwhelmed by the fact that there are many kids her age within our own city that will have went without a breakfast nevermind having all the options in front of them like my daughter did. I have so much to be thankful for.
This experience put me in the frame of thinking of "what can I do to help others," especially over the holiday season. I have come up with a list of three charities that I think deserve a second look when deciding how to focus my efforts over the next couple of months.
- Inn from the Cold - Inn from the Cold provides emergency food, clothing and shelter for families, as well as access to basic need support and resources such as counselling, immigration services and employment programs.
- Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids - Nourishment is available to any young person who arrives at school without enough to eat. BB4CK works with school staff members to identify needs and to plan how best to make sure hungry students get the nutrition required to think clearly and learn. By enabling better education outcomes, BB4CK gives students a hand up, not just a handout.
- The Mustard Seed - The Mustard Seed helps meet the basic needs of shelter, cold, clothing and acceptance for men and women experiencing poverty, and works with them to find sustainable housing and employment.