Our Blog
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Visit the ZEN in McKenzie salescentre for details.
*Limited to one per person. Offer may expire without notice
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Be one of the next 10 buyers of a ZEN in McKenzie Towne home and receive $5,000 worth of upgrades of your choice to personalize your ZEN!Visit the salescentre for details or email: bobbi@avalonmasterbuilder.com
Hurry in as our last promotion sold out!
*Limited to next 10 buyers. Offer may expire without notice.
Exciting News for all ZEN Buyers!
ZEN in Mckenzie Towne is buzzing with excitement as our construction team shifts the earth to begin the construction of our LEED rated ZEN Townhomes. Deep services have already been installed for the community and the footings have been poured for our first phase of healthy ZEN living. The next step is to pour the foundation and begin framing with Bluwood. Come witness the evolution of bare land being transformed into a beautifully balanced place to call home.
We're Celebrating...
Join us for a champagne and Death by Chocolate- a decandent buffet featuring divine chocolate creations with zero calories (now that's cause for celebration)!
Date: Wednesday. May 25, 2011
Time: 5 - 8 pm
Location: ZEN in McKenzie SalesCentre
350 McKenzie Towne Gate SE
RSVP by May 23, 2011 to bobbi@avalonmasterbuilder.com
click for directions
What are we celebrating? ZEN in McKenzie has started construction. So if you are one of the smart ones that has already purchased your ZEN, you'll be happy as you will be moving into your cool home soon! If you haven't purchased yet, come down and help us celebrate and see what all of the fuss is about...
This will be a forum for everything that makes ZEN the perfect home for you. It will also be a chance for you to engage in postings and to share why you purchased a ZEN home.
Want to hear about everything ZEN? Be sure to register with us and be the first to receive special promotions or announcements.
Feel free to leave any comments you have about our new website or ZEN in general.
ZEN - Stylish, Affordable, Green
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