Every ZEN townhome is EnerGuide rated. We strive to build energy efficient homes for our customers, so each of our homes have an EnerGuide rating. An Energuide rating shows a standard measure of a home's energy performance. It shows you (and future owners) exactly how energy efficient your home is. Make sure the home you buy has an EnterGuide rating sticker.
This rating is calculated based on standard operation assumptions so that you can compare the energy performance of one house against another.
The home's energy efficiency level is rated on a scale of 0 to 100. A rating of 0 represents a home with major air leakage, no insulation and extremely high energy consumption. A rating of 100 represents a house that is airtight, sufficiently ventilated and requires no purchased energy on an annual basis.
Every ZEN townhome is EnerGuide rated by a third party - giving you the assurance of a guaranteed energy efficiency rating of your new home. On average, you can expect to see monthly energy savings of 36% with your ZEN home.
Source: Natural Resources Canada