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Looking to get away this winter? We can help!

Looking to get away this winter? We can help!

Between now and November 15th, stop by our ZEN in McKenzie Towne showhome and enter to win a travel voucher worth $2,500! Where would you go?
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Another neighbour has been announced for SETON.

Another neighbour has been announced for SETON.

Movie lovers rejoice! Cineplex Entertainment has recently announced plans for a new 43,000 square foot, 11 screen theatre in Calgary’s SETON development. With more than 1,900 seats the new theatre will include three VIP auditoriums as well as an UltraAVX auditorium and seven traditional auditoriums and is expected to open in 2014. We’ll keep you updated as more new neighbours are announced for SETON.
ZEN in McKenzie Experiences Added Benefits of Hardie Board

ZEN in McKenzie Experiences Added Benefits of Hardie Board

If you haven’t already heard, our quiet community of McKenzie Towne was rocked by a large construction fire causing our neighbors across the street to lose four buildings under construction. We are all very thankful that nobody was injured and none of the homes affected were occupied. All things damaged can be replaced. During an interview with CBC news, members of the Calgary Fire Department have credited our use of Hardie Board for preventing any damage to our homes in ZEN. Our decision to use this product was not for aesthetics alone but for its strength and durability...
There’s no better way to spend the holidays than living in ZEN.

There’s no better way to spend the holidays than living in ZEN.

We have a number of homes available at varying stages of construction, at ZEN in McKenzie Towne – all of which will be completed prior to the 2012 holiday season. Why not treat yourself to a new home for Christmas at ZEN in McKenzie Towne. With homes ranging from 1017 – 1311 squarefeet and starting in the $240’s you’re sure to find your balance. And our gift to you – a free upgrade to granite counter tops in the Kitchen and Laminate flooring in your main living area. Hurry in! ZEN in McKenzie is already 75% sold, and they’re going fast.
Who doesn’t enjoy one stop shopping?

Who doesn’t enjoy one stop shopping?

This week at ZEN we’ve streamlined new home shopping for you. You can now purchase a new ZEN townhome in either McKenzie Towne or Auburn Bay from our showhome in McKenzie Towne. Sherry and Tanis are all settled in and ready to help you find your ZEN. The showhome is open in McKenzie Towne; Monday through Thursday 2pm – 8pm - Friday’s, Weekends and Holidays 12noon – 5pm. We will have hostesses available in the Auburn Bay sales centre Monday through Wednesday 2pm – 8pm – Weekends and Holidays 12noon – 5pm.

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