Many people associate spring of their home with spring cleaning. Now don't get me wrong, a deep cleaning of potential problem areas is definitely part of maintenance. These areas would include anything exposed to water and food, under and around the kitchen sink and cabinets, the area behind your toilet, and that little hole at the front of your bathroom sink. However, there are lots of other items to maintain in order to keep your home and your family healthy. Here are a few things that need to be done around your home.
All the air you and your family breathe inside your home comes through your HRV. It is VERY important to clean this on a regular basis. The filters should be cleaned every 3 months, and the core every 6 months. If you haven't done this in a while be sure to have a vacuum on hand, you will be surprised at how much debris you will find in the intake section of your HRV. Check out this video if you need a refresher on cleaning your HRV, and consult your manual.
If your home is equipped with a furnace (some have in-floor heat) you should change your furnace filter four times per year. The easiest way to track this is to change your filter with the change in season. You will also want to have your duct work cleaned out, this is more important if you have pets or live near construction. Be sure to occasionally vacuum the cover for your bath fan and return air vents. - Read the owners manual for your hot water system. On-demand systems do require regular maintenance of the filter. Check our this video.
Your home is built to allow for structural expansion and contraction. Because of this you should check the caulking around your sinks, tubs, showers, baseboards, window and door trim and touch up as necessary. This is most important in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens as this caulking will control where moisture can go.
Adjust thresholds on your exterior doors to ensure a tight seal. If you are unsure of how to do this please email the service department at
Check & tighten your deadbolt as necessary.
Turn on your exterior water supply. This will be located in your mechanical room. -
For more great tips on home maintenance check out these websites; Enjoy your summer!