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Brain Foods

Brain Foods

Avalon's Super Brain Foods

Avalon has you covered on the health of your home; now take some time to work on health and nutrition. At Avalon we believe in living in balance. It's all about ZEN.

According to research out there, food does help with our brain functions. Certain brain foods can make you calmer, boost your mood, aid in concentration and focus, tame free radicals and more. Brain foods don't necessarily increase your IQ, but you are smarter for eating right.

Never forget, if you are planning a change in your diet, it is always imperative to see your doctor first for the best advice and guidance.

Here are a few of Avalon's favorite brain foods; and believe it or not, they are not all foods that will make you say, 'Yuck!'

Apples: The saying goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples show promise in protecting our brain foods from the chemicals in a lot of produce. A lot of good stuff is in the apple skin; so this is why food experts recommend buying organic if possible.

Dark Chocolate: Yahoo! Something called flavonols in DARK chocolate boost the circulatory system and increases blood flow to the brain.

Berries: One cup a day of raspberries and blueberries can help boost your brain by increasing long term memory strength.

Spinach: Yes, we said the 'S' word, but Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage and Brussels sprouts are vegetables that are super for you.

Eggs: The more free the chicken is to wander, the better for us, as it increases the omega - 3 fatty acid content.

It's easy to go on and on, but the real trick is to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Buy books on nutrition, research on-line and live in good health. That's ZEN!

Here are a bunch of recipes for delicious 'S' word salads. Good eating!

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