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I ‘HEART’ Condo Fees

I ‘HEART’ Condo Fees

Lately I have heard a lot of trash talk about condo fees. I see many communities that actively promote ‘No Condo Fees!’ and act as if condo fees are a bad thing. I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. I live in a townhome. I chose to live in a townhome. I live in an Avalon townhome. And I ‘Heart’ condo fees.

My husband and I live a very busy life. We work a ton and to reward ourselves we try and play just as hard. In fact every weekend in the summer we escape to a recreational property to relax….and we can because we are not trapped at home worrying about cutting our grass and maintaining our yard. Not to mention that my husband and I don’t have a green thumb between the two of us. Lately I have decided to try and foster my ability to keep a plant alive and so I have chosen container gardening. So that I can control how much I want to grow. It is turning out to be a fun hobby and I get to control the amount of work I put in to it. 

And in the winter when my husband travels a lot for business and when we get several inches of snow – I don’t have to use my husband’s name in vein while I shovel the snow. Yep – my condo fees take care of snow removal for me as well.

But it's not just about grass cutting and snow removal. My condo fees cover the insurance of the exterior of my home. So I only have to cover content insurance on my home for a minimal amount each year. My condo fees cover the maintenance of the exterior of the home. Part of my monthly condo fees are put into a reserve fund so that money for items like roof replacement, etc. are saved for when the work needs to be done.  And even better a condo board (that I can chose to be on if I want) makes decisions on the maintenance of my home, the community I live in, etc. I bet most single family owners don’t have an exterior maintenance plan or the savings for up keep in place. I do – and that makes me feel pretty smart. Insert smug grin here :)


So as you can see – there are a lot to reasons to ‘heart’ condo fees. Some people feel that you are forced to live in a townhome because it is sometimes less expensive than a single family home. I am here to tell you it is a choice – embrace the maintenance free lifestyle!

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