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Frost & Landscaping

Frost & Landscaping

Frost Upheaval Deals a Blow to Early Landscaping

Spring is in the air and we want to feel the grass beneath our feet, and know that site landscaping will soon be done, but unfortunately, the extreme winter of 2013/14 will hold landscaping and concrete work temporarily at bay.

Mother Nature gave Calgary a rough ride this winter and with frigid temperatures and above average snow fall the frost has been driven further into the ground than in previous years.

"The frost is about 1 1/2 feet deeper in the ground than I have seen it before, and it will take time before it is out of the ground this spring," says Avalon Master Builder's Construction Manager Neil Hawkins.

This means that landscaping and concrete work will start later this year, and grass and shrubs will have to go in only when it is safe and ground can be properly leveled.

"The danger with work before frost is gone is the ground can drop beneath anything we do and make a dangerous mess of concrete and soil," says Neil. "It is far better to do it once properly than have to come back again."

Even though the weather is warming up it will take much more than a few balmy days, especially this year, until the frost is gone.

Evidence of frost damage is everywhere in our city. Deerfoot trail near Auburn Bay has huge roller coaster like frost heaves as do other major roadways. 

Avalon and ZEN want our homeowners to live in peaceful balance with nature, but this year the green will just take a bit longer.

"We appreciate that homeowners are anxious to get things completed, we are too, and we ask them to be patient and understand that a job well done is worth waiting for, it will happen," says Neil.

Blog Topics: Auburn Bay, ZEN Construction