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Lou Nagy

Lou Nagy

A ZEN Auburn Bay Superhero - Lou Nagy - Site Super

Lou Nagy is our Site Superintendent for ZEN Auburn Bay, and is living proof that grass is sometimes greener on the other side, and with Avalon, it's a lot greener.

Lou has a long history in construction. Entering into the field out of high school, he worked at all levels and in various areas of the business including landscape and renovation construction. Starting in new home construction four years ago, Lou quickly worked his way up from labourer to site superintendent, but something was always missing.

Since joining Avalon last year, Lou says he found that something. "We all share the same philosophy here, we take great pride in what we do, we care about customers and build a great product," says Lou. "Construction is an ever changing industry, here we embrace the new technology, and follow through on implementing new ideas and products."

Everyone pitches in when help is needed at Avalon. That really impressed Lou last Christmas when during a busy time Ryan, our CEO, and Chris, our General Manager, came out to site to help. "They asked what they could do, it was a little awkward to boss them around, but we finally said those sidewalks over there could use some shoveling and some other stuff, and they did it!" explains Lou. "That went so far for morale, I can't even tell you."

It is a culmination of all the little things that make Avalon so great, says Lou. From trade lunches during the busy season to taking immediate action to improve or change things when necessary, Avalon is always advancing. For Lou, it is very clear, "Avalon is more than just about the bottom line, they care about the people they work with and they care about what they are doing."

As for the future, Lou plans to stay put and take advantage of all the exciting opportunities Avalon has to offer. "I think it is exciting to be a part of this, it (environmentally responsible and sustainable building) is the shape of things to come."

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